It's summertime again. Maybe not by your calendar but all the signs are here:
Tons of Empty Elmer's Glue Bottles! |
- The beaches begin to fill up. I went to local public beach, IRB and parking was tricky. There were no free spaces. Did you know towns and cities expect people to PAY for parking?
- The water is filled with swimmers and boats. The water is perfect: calm, not to warm, and clear. why would anyone be anywhere else!
- Dawn is before 7am and Sunset is after 8pm. Sunrise starts sneaking in just a little bit earlier and earlier and everyone including the sunset loves slowing down and spending the late afternoon at the beach.
- We see Watermelon for sale every where. I love watermelon. Good thing because I get to enjoy: watermelon soda, watermelon mint tea, watermelon smoothies,watermelon italian ice and of course watermelon.
- We see tons of flowers blooming. we have areas that are very manicured and areas that are au naturel. Now all the flora are feeding the bees and butterflies. I love watches the insects flutter from bloom to bloom.
- Nests. Every year we have several nests to watch. We regularly have at least one dove nest, one mallard duck nest. Its summer when those chicks leave their nests. Every summer the mallards take their "sord" meandering thrhough our yard, out our driveway, across the street to who knows where. The dove chicks stay in their nests until summer when they ty to fly. Last year a nest in the rafters of our gazebo had one fledgling land on my head. The onset of summer also brings the mamma sea turtles onshore to build their clutches (a borough they dig and put 100 or so fertilized eggs in).
- And of course my daughter, now 11 craves creating slime! I have no idea why but she loves creating slime every summer. She tries different recipes. Then she tweaks the recipes here and there for endless variations. I should buy Elmer's Glue by the gallon drum!