Friday, July 5, 2024

Common Ground Latex Allergy

I was searching for some options and found this:

Do you know who you are? You're the Dream Operator

I responded with this:

Some time ago, I needed new undies. I quickly grabbed some new ones. Not the first wears. no, I was about a month in. Yikes! I had burns all along the leg openings.

No problem, after going commando until it healed. I can put this off a bit I thought. (I hate shopping!) I hadn't tossed all my old undies, so I went back to wearing them. I got along for a bit, maybe two months. 

          I even didn't mind the rips and tears. Then last night, burns around one leg opening. 

Even though I have had various allergies since birth (some painful, some annoying, some life threatening). I still don't grasps all the intricacies. Like, there is elastic around the waist and both legs, why aren't there burn marks there? and last night, why are there only burn marks on my right leg? 

I know that I don't need to understand. I only need to get new underwear. I am debating sewing them or buying them. I wonder how your journey has been.

Your friend ("Amicus meus, inimicus inimici mei")

Let Love and Gratitude Guide Us,

Jodi Ann

Now back to my search ... wish me luck. I'm wearing my 30 year old long john pants and they are thread bare!

P.S. I ended up buying mens briefs. I don't know what they're made of but the elastic is covered. Only time will tell if this works long term. In the short term, they work great. And they are a different cut so they don't rub where most of the burns are.

Sunday, April 14, 2024

You Can't Win if You Don't Play!

I sat with My Lady during the whole meal. I even brought all her plates and checking all her garbage. During the meal she wasn't eating the Reuben. Oh No, I did leave her to walk across the dining room to get bread to make her a PB & J. I asked to see her teeth and the bottom dentures were gone!

I hurried across the dining room and asked Christine of the dining staff  call down and ask if they could pull our dining room garbage aside. Hopefully, they weren't compacting it yet. I had already learned that they run the compactor twice a day every day. I ran down to the kitchen. 

The bag had been pulled aside. I told the people in the kitchen what I was doing thanked them and asked if I could have some gloves. I put two gloves on each hand. One of the servers from our floor, Stephen was there and he took me out of the kitchen to the dumpster and the big black bag. 

Stephen and I went through the whole bag. No luck. I was determined so I went through the bag again. No luck. 

At this point, it was about 1pm, I was sitting on the ground behind the building, digging through a big black garbage bag. I stopped and thanked Stephen again for continuing to hold the bag open and told him I was going to try one more time. 

I moved everything to one side and went through everything, Styrofoam containers, cups, treat bags, paper towels, paper napkins, and food. I went through all of it as thoroughly as I could. At the very bottom, there was one last glob of garbage. I felt it. I squished it through my fingers and could see something that might be "U" shaped. I had to wipe off cake and layers of wet paper but there it was. 

I played Dumpster Diving for Dentures and I won!

Stephen said that might be the most popular game show that no one wants to be on.

Sunday, May 21, 2023

"‘Tis strange—but true; for truth is always strange, Stranger than fiction" Lord Byron

" 'Tis strange—but true; for truth is always strange, Stranger than fiction" - 1823 Lord Byron

The quote is Lord Byron but most of us have experienced this as well. The Google Doodle that was released on 2023 May 21 Celebrating Lake Xochimilco is a good example. That lake near Mexico City is the very last native habitat for critically endangered Ambystoma mexicanum (aka axolotls, Mexican walking fish, water dogs, water dragons, and water monsters) in the whole world.

I have seen axolotls in captivity and they are delightful to watch. (I took the photo below.) These Paedomorphic salamanders are so easy to anthropomorphize with their forever tadpole look (neotenic), their 6 gills framing their face like a child's pigtails, and their upturned mouths ever smiling at us.

But the sad truth is that we're losing them. I made a graph from the data I found on the Axolotl Populations taken from Scientific American website.
I know some people don't get graphs. This one shows me that the wild axolotl population decreased sixtyfold in 10 years and it continues to decrease. 

1998 - 6,000 per square kilometer
2000 - 1,000 per square kilometer
2008 -   100 per square kilometer
2017 -     35 per square kilometer

Losing axolotls is just one problem and there are more than 42,100 species listed as threatened with extinction by the International Union for Conservation of Nature.
 I LOVE this 🌎blue marble we live on. I think we can all agree that we (humans) must take care of the earth. I spent some time perusing religious texts to get a feel for what they might say:

BBC - What does Buddhism teach about the environment?Most Buddhists believe people need to live simply and respect the cycle and balance in nature so everything can continue for future generations.
Bhagavad GitaLet the human community protect the environment for their own survival and the biodiversity around.
Dalai Lama Quote“It is our collective and individual responsibility to preserve and tend to the environment in which we all live.”
Midrash Koheleth Rabah 7:13I created everything for you. Make sure you don't ruin or destroy MY world.
Midrash Sifre 20:19If not for the trees, human life could not exist.
New Testament Revelation 11:18The nations were angry; and your wrath has come. The time has come for judging the dead, and for rewarding your servants the prophets and your saints and those who reverence your name, both small and great—and for destroying those who destroy the earth.
Old Testament Genesis 1:28 New International Version28 God blessed them and said to them, “Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky and over every living creature that moves on the ground.”
Old Testament Genesis 2:15And the Lord took Adam and placed him the Garden of Eden to work it and guard it.
Old Testament Job 12:7-10“But ask the animals, and they will teach you, or the birds in the sky, and they will tell you; or speak to the earth, and it will teach you, or let the fish in the sea inform you. Which of all these does not know that the hand of the Lord has done this? In his hand is the life of every creature and the breath of all mankind.
Quran 7:31Allah created a perfectly balanced world on the basis of sustainability and circularity. This balance must be maintained by man acting moderately, thoughtfully and justly. Waste, pollution and destruction are the very qualities that Allah abhors.
Srimad Bhagavatam 3.29:34 Explanation of Devotional Service by Lord Kapila34 Such a perfect devotee offers respects to every living entity because he is under the firm conviction that the Supreme Personality of Godhead has entered the body of every living entity as the Supersoul, or controller.
Tirukural 324"You ask, What is the good and perfect way? 'Tis path of him who studies nought to slay." - Good path is that which considers how it may avoid killing any creature.

I am no religious scholar but there are a few examples right there. I don't want to blame or shame. I just want to point out the obvious: 
Religion says - hey you, you have to take care of the earth. 
Science says - hey you, you have to take care of the earth. 

Why aren't we doing anything? Any fictitious story would have had us all joined together decades ago. This is only getting worse. It really can not wait.

I am starting right now. Join me.