Saturday, August 26, 2017

I Don't Know How To Eat!!

How is it possible that I still have not perfected the art of eating? Here I am minding my own business, I take a bite out of a taco and BAMM! I have breathed in a little piece of taco, I'm choking and then luckily I start coughing. It takes several minutes for me to recover. Why don't I know the difference between breathing and eating after 50 years of daily practice? What am I missing?

I am reminded of my childhood. My elders did try to instill social graces into my life. I can remember some of them.
  • Don't talk with your mouth full
  • Elbows off the table (Mabel)
  • Chew each bite 20 times
  • Close your mouth as you chew (eat as quietly as possible)
  • Sit up straight
Let's take a look. I don't think that I adhere to any of these.
    Don't talk with your mouth full - I regularly talk with food in my mouth. Hopefully, my mouth is not full. I do try not to stuff my mouth full as I eat
    Elbows off the table (Mabel) - I know that I have rested both of my elbows on the table while I negotiated a sandwich into my mouth
    Chew each bite 20 times - Ha, funny, 20 times, ha ha, oh, they were serious. I'm probably lucky if I chew each bite 10 times
    Close your mouth as you chew (eat as quietly as possible) - This one I do, except when I'm talking or singing while I eat
    Sit up straight - Sit? I do sit sometimes. I enjoy the whole family eating together but it seems so difficult to get everyone eating at the same time. I'm guilty of eating while I do chores around the house, while I take the puppies out. Plus I do not have the good posture that I could. I most enjoy sitting with my hips tilted back, with my left knee up or at least my left foot tucked up under my bottom
At the time of this last choking incident, my mouth was not full, I was not talking, I was not at a table, I'm certain I had not chewed the food enough, my mouth was closed, I was undoubtedly slouching with my left knee up.

So maybe I'll try going back to these basics and see if my choking frequency reduces.


turbogrammy said...

While I doubt it would hurt to try to return to these "rules" if you have slipped from them.I know that the choking thing runs in the family. At least, I have it seriously.
I don't adhere to any of the "rules" and had forgotten they exist. Who said " Mabel "? XXXX I Love You.

turbogrammy said...

While I doubt it would hurt to try to return to these "rules" if you have slipped from them.I know that the choking thing runs in the family. At least, I have it seriously.
I don't adhere to any of the "rules" and had forgotten they exist. Who said " Mabel "? XXXX I Love You.