Sunday, March 13, 2016

Online Sales of My Art Items - An Initial Investigation

I have been having so much fun with my arts and crafts. A couple of people have said I could sell them.

Tonight (technically last night since it's way past midnight now), I looked at selling on Amazon and Etsy. I tried to sell something on eBay years ago and got no bites. Also, I don't like the bidding aspects.

Amazon was very pricey but I know there is value in just the name. If I plan to sell under 40 items each month, there is no monthly charge. For a $5.00 item, the $0.99 per item listing fee + 15% (min$1.00 referral fee). That $1.99 per item is a pretty hefty chunk. If the item were $20.00 the fees would be $3.99.

Etsy is considerably cheaper. For that same $5.00 item, there is a $0.20 per item listing fee + transaction fee of 3.5% in this case $0.175 + processing fee of 3% in this case $0.15. That's 53 cents per item.
If the item were $20.00 the fees would be $1.50.

Well, I guess I need to take another look at eBay.

Monday, March 7, 2016

Helping Mother-in-law Get Navy Veterans Benefits Part 2

I received a response from January 12, 2016 request with for the DD 214 from the National Archives.  I just received a letter from the National Personnel Records Center at the National Archives on Friday March 4th. It's dated January 26th. They allow 30 days to receive payment ($25.00). Yikes, I have NEGATIVE 9 days to get them the money. There's a phone number  (314-801-0800). I called. Due to high call volume, they are not taking calls at this time. Ok. There's a number for making in person visits (314-801-0850), maybe they can help. Basically, the same response. Ok. I'm just going to send it in anyway. Maybe the beuracratic gods of red tape will have mercy on me.