Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Jodi's Life Dream/Vision

I am so happy and grateful that the universe and I have:

· prolific physical, mental and spiritual energy;
· my covey of reciprocal, inspiring, healthy relationships including my children
       believing, living and acting as one team
       taking initiative for our own needs and wants and being mindful of the needs and wants of our team
       communicating effectively;
· time, money, guidance, ability and desire to create, design and explore my artistic talents.

And so it is.

Spiral Universe

5 ?s to see if dream is right.
1. I am living in the life. Do I feel more alive? Yes, good.
2. Align with core values? I need more love!Yes, good.
3. Does it require that I grow?Yes, good.
4. Do I need help from a HP?Yes, good.
5. Do I need everything I need to know to make this dream happen? If so the dream is too small.Yes, good.
6. Is their good in this dream for others? Yes, good.

If it were at least possible what steps would I take.