Thursday, December 11, 2008

Girl, Interrupted (rel. January 14, 2000)

"Maybe I really was crazy. Maybe it was the 60's. Or maybe I was just a girl... interrupted." Susanna find herself in a private mental hospital. Susanna is diagnosed with having a Borderline Personality Disorder. The movie explores the choices we make and how we can wrap our minds around those choices. It is funny and dark. I enjoyed the movie and have given it quite a bit of thought since I saw it last week.

Susanna: I'm ambivalent. In fact that's my new favorite word.

Dr. Wick: Do you know what that means, ambivalence?

Susanna: I don't care.

Dr. Wick: If it's your favorite word, I would've thought you would...

Susanna: It *means* I don't care. That's what it means.

Dr. Wick: On the contrary, Susanna. Ambivalence suggests strong feelings... in opposition. The prefix, as in "ambidextrous," means "both." The rest of it, in Latin, means "vigor." The word suggests that you are torn... between two opposing courses of action.

Susanna: Will I stay or will I go?

Dr. Wick: Am I sane... or, am I crazy?

Susanna: Those aren't courses of action.

Dr. Wick: They can be, dear - for some.

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