Wednesday, May 3, 2023

How To Treat an Autistic Family Member - What If?

At first, it was hard but ok. Then it was hard and out of control. Finally, I realized the following:

What if ...

I think the way that we approach our autistic family member has them feeling helpless and alone. They are so smart, so creative, so strong that they won't accept feeling helpless and alone. They want to be on OUR team.

What if we changed our approach with our autistic family member?

Since they are a good person, someone we love and who loves us in return, why don't we start there?

Why don't we treat them like our team MVP?

What if when they are upset, we carefully listen and genuinely agree with them?

What if we validate their thoughts and feelings?

What if we apologize for hurting their feelings?

What if we ask for them to help in finding a solution?

And you know what? It really works. 💕

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